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Sexual crimes

Children and young people can unfortunately encounter sexual crimes. No one should have to tolerate any kind of sexual crimes. It can be difficult to identify a sexual crime. You should always ask for help if you suspect a crime. You do not have to know the classification of the crime. It is enough if a situation has made you feel bad or given you the feeling that something is wrong. It does not matter if you initially were participating in the discussion, sending pictures or agreed to meet.  The perpetrator is always responsible for his/her actions.

If you encounter the following situations you should get help:

  • Sending nude pictures or videos to a minor
  • Requests for sending nude pictures or doing something sexual on video
  • Spreading of nude pictures or videos of a minor
  • Blackmailing with sexual material
  • Suggestions to meet with a minor
  • Suggesting sex with a minor
  • Buying or suggesting sex
  • Inappropriate sexual comments
  • Solicitation for sexual acts by building trust
  • Pressuring or forcing into sexual acts
  • Touching intimate areas

Advice for children and young people:

  • You can never be sure who you are talking to online
  • You always have the right to say no
  • You can always stop chatting if you start regretting it
  • You do not have to look at all the content
  • If reading or looking at something makes you anxious or upset, you should close the browser

Alarm bells should be ringing if somebody:

  • Gives you a lot of compliments to gain your trust
  • Sends you inappropriate messages or talks with sexual innuendos
  • Asks personal questions about you and your body
  • Asks you to keep the conversation a secret
  • Always agrees with you and likes the same things
  • Says that you cannot trust your loved ones
  • Wants to go out with you even if you never met in person
  • Do not hesitate to tell a trusted adult if something seems suspicious!

What should you do if you suspect that you have fallen victim to a sexual crime?

  • Tell a trusted adult about it
  • Ask the Internet police for help if needed
  • Make a criminal report to the police if necessary
  • Remember to get help as soon as possible
  • You can come to RIKU for advice
  • If the sexual crime took place on the Internet:
    • Take screenshots of what happened if possible
    • Save any pictures and messages
    • If necessary, report the person to the administrator of the service
    • If necessary, report the inappropriate content to the administrator of the service
    • If necessary, block the person from the service
  • If the sexual crime happened face to face
    • It is good if you do not wash yourself or change clothes afterwards
    • See a doctor as soon as possible
    • You can call the emergency centre if the sexual crime just happened
    • Remember, you do not have to cope with this alone
    • Tell a trusted adult even if telling feels difficult

Remember these important things:

  • What happened is not your fault
  • The perpetrator is always responsible for his/her actions.
  • The experience can cause different feelings, like shame, fear and guilt.
  • All reactions are normal
  • No one must tolerate any kind of harassment or threats
  • It is important not to be left alone with the experience
  • Tell a reliable adult about what happened
  • Do not hesitate to ask for help