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Violence against women

Violence Against Women

Violence against women is a serious issue affecting many. If you have experienced violence, it is important not to be alone. Domestic violence and sexual offenses are the most common reasons for seeking help from Victim Support Finland. 

Violence can affect anyone regardless of gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, or social status. More information about violence and advice on seeking help can be found on the Violence Crime page. 

Violence against women refers to all violence directed at women or girls because of their gender. It manifests in various forms: 

  • Psychological violence, such as threats, controlling behavior, verbal abuse, humiliation, or excessive jealousy. 
  • Physical violence, such as shoving, hitting, pulling, kicking, or strangling. 
  • Sexual violence, such as rape or other intentional violations of sexual integrity or self-determination. Sexual exploitation related to human trafficking 
  • Digital violence, such as harassment, controlling behavior, or surveillance using technology. 
  • Stalking, honor-related violence, forced marriages, and female genital mutilation. 

Read more: Domestic violence can affect everyone 

In 2024, Statistics Finland reported that half of women aged 16–25 have been victims of physical violence, threats of violence, or sexual violence, and every fifth has experienced severe violence or rape. 

What to do if you face violence

  1. Seek safety. Leave a dangerous situation and find a secure place. For example, shelters provide protection and support around the clock.
  2. Visit a doctor to have your injuries documented, even if they don’t require treatment. Describe what happened and ask the doctor to record your account and injuries in detail. You may need a medical certificate later if the case is pursued in court. There are Seri Support Centers in Finland for victims of sexual violence aged 16 and over, regardless of gender. You can visit a Seri Center independently, with a close person, or through a referral by authorities.
  3. File a police report. You can ask for advice on making a report from Victim Support Finland.
  4. Talk to someone you trust, whether a close person or a professional. Sharing your experience can help.

Victim Support Finland offers support and practical advice to victims of violence. Our services are free and confidential. 

With Victim Support Finland experts, you can discuss creating a safety plan or applying for a restraining order. We provide support and practical advice at every stage of the legal process.

“Victim Support Finland staff guided me well and directed me to the appropriate services. They advised where to file a report and how to access crisis help if needed. I felt heard and gained peace of mind.”

Contact us: 

Victim Support Finland 116 006 (mainly in Finnish)
RIKUchat (mainly in Finnish)
Submit a Contact Request

More Information About Violence Against Women

Violence against women is a significant societal and human rights issue. Over 736 million women – nearly one in three – have experienced physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, according to UN Women.

Naisten Linja highlights that vulnerable women face a significantly higher risk of violence. For example, in Finland, women with disabilities are 2-4 times more likely to experience violence compared to those without disabilities. Elevated risks also exist for women in minority groups, young women, and others in precarious situations.

The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the so-called Istanbul Convention) entered into force in Finland on August 1, 2015. The convention covers all forms of gender-based violence against women and girls. It also applies to men and boys affected by domestic violence in Finland. The convention emphasizes prevention but also includes obligations for protecting and assisting victims and punishing offenders.

Help and Support

Support services for women facing violence:

Services for victims of sexual violence:

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“Thank you to RIKU’s amazing staff! At first, it didn’t feel like it, but now I know I will get through this. ❤”