Victim Support Finland
General brochure of Victim Support Finland
- General brochure of Victim Support Finland Finnish
- General brochure of Victim Support Finland Swedish
Service brochures in different languages
- Service brochure Albanian
- Service brochure Arabic
- Service brochure Bengali
- Service brochure Bulgarian
- Service brochure Chinese
- Service brochure Farsi/Dari
- Service brochure Estonian
- Service brochure English
- Service brochure Spanish
- Service brochure French
- Service brochure Hindi
- Service brochure Kurdi/Kurmandzi
- Service brochure Nepali
- Service brochure Punjabi
- Service brochure Romanian
- Service brochure Russian
- Service brochure Somali
- Service brochure Sorani
- Service brochure Thai
- Service brochure Turkish
- Service brochure Ukrainian
- Service brochure Urdu
- Service brochure Vietnamese
Guide for the victim in the crime process
- Guide for the victim in the crime process Finnish
- Guide for the victim in the crime process Swedish
- Guide for the victim in the crime process Sami
- Guide for the victim in the crime process English
- Guide for the victim in the crime process Estonian
- Guide for the victim in the crime process Russian
- Guide for the victim in the crime process Somali
- Guide for the victim in the crime process Sorani
- Guide for the victim in the crime process Arabic
Guide for victims of crime
Legal guide for victims of violent crimes
Restraining order
- Restraining order and to apply for one Finnish
- Restraining order and to apply for one Swedish
- Restraining order and to apply for one Sami
- Restraining order and to apply for one English
- Restraining order and to apply for one Estonian
- Restraining order and to apply for one Russian
- Restraining order and to apply for one Somali
- Restraining order and to apply for one Sorani
- Restraining order and to apply for one Arabic
Guide on the criminal prosess for victims of sexual crimes
- Guide on the criminal prosess for victims of sexual crimes Finnish
- Guide on the criminal prosess for victims of sexual crimes Swedish
- Guide on the criminal prosess for victims of sexual crimes English
- Guide on the criminal prosess for victims of sexual crimes Russian
As a victim or a witness in court – Practical tips
- As a victim or a witness in court – Practical tips Finnish
- As a victim or a witness in court – Practical tips Swedish
- As a victim or a witness in court – Practical tips Sami
- As a victim or a witness in court – Practical tips English
- As a victim or a witness in court – Practical tips Estonian
- As a victim or a witness in court – Practical tips Russian
- As a victim or a witness in court – Practical tips Somali
- As a victim or a witness in court – Practical tips Sorani
- As a victim or a witness in court – Practical tips Arabic
Criminal procedure guide for young victims of crime
- Criminal procedure guide for young victims of crime Finnish
- Criminal procedure guide for young victims of crime Finnish in plain language
- Criminal procedure guide for young victims of crime Swedish
- Criminal procedure guide for young victims of crime English
- Criminal procedure guide for young victims of crime Russian
- Criminal procedure guide for young victims of crime Somali
Guide for encountering a loved one of a victim of a homicide.
- Guide for encountering a loved one of a victim of a homicide Finnish
- Guide for encountering a loved one of a victim of a homicide Swedish
Was it a hate crime (Victim Support Finland, Human Rights Federation and the Ministry of the Interior)
- Was it a hate crime Arabic
- Was it a hate crime Dari
- Was it a hate crime English
- Was it a hate crime Chinese
- Was it a hate crime Kurdish
- Was it a hate crime Sami
- Was it a hate crime French
- Was it a hate crime Swedish
- Was it a hate crime Somali
- Was it a hate crime Finnish
- Was it a hate crime Russian
Other material
Victim Support Finland’s guides in Russian
Partners’ guides
Rights of a crime victim (Ministry of Justice Finland)
- Rights of a crime victim Finnish
- Rights of a crime victim Finnish in plain language
- Rights of a crime victim Swedish
- Rights of a crime victim Sami
- Rights of a crime victim English
- Rights of a crime victim Estonian
- Rights of a crime victim Russian
- Rights of a crime victim Sorani
- Rights of a crime victim Arabic
- Rights of a crime victim Somali
If you become a victim of a crime (Ministry of Justice Finland)
- If you become a victim of a crime Finnish
- If you become a victim of a crime Finnish in plain language
- If you become a victim of a crime Swedish
- If you become a victim of a crime Swedish in plain language
- If you become a victim of a crime Sami
- If you become a victim of a crime English
- If you become a victim of a crime Arabic
- If you become a victim of a crime Russian
- If you become a victim of a crime Somali
- If you become a victim of a crime Estonian
- If you become a victim of a crime sign language in Finnish
As a witness at trial (Ministry of Justice Finland)
Children as victims of crime (Ministry of Justice Finland)
- Children as victims of crime Finnish
- Children as victims of crime summary in Finnish
- Children as victims of crime Swedish
Becoming a legal aid customer (Ministry of Justice Finland)
- Becoming a legal aig customer in Finnish
- Becoming a legal aid customer in Swedish
- Becoming a legal aid customer in English
Handling a criminal case (Ministry of Justice Finland)
Restraining orders (Ministry of Justice Finland)
Ei seksuaaliselle kaltoinkohtelulle (Helsingin kaupungin nuorisopalvelut ja Nuorten Exit)
Guide for relatives of a victim of domestic violence (Naisten Linja)
- Guide for relatives of a victim of domestic violence Finnish
- Guide for relatives of a victim of domestic violence Swedish
- Guide for relatives of a victim of domestic violence English
Digitaalinen väkivalta parisuhteessa ja sen jälkeen (Naisten Linja)
Hoitoketju seksuaalisuutta loukkaavaa väkivaltaa kokeneen auttamiseksi (National Institute for Health and Welfare)
Välittäminen kannattaa! Seksuaaliväkivaltatyön toimivat käytännöt -kirja (Setlementti Tampere, Välitä! seksuaaliväkivaltatyö)
Raiskatun akuuttiapu (Tukinainen)
Opas henkirikoksen uhrien läheisille (Huoma)
Ikäihmisten kaltoinkohtelu (Suvanto)
Ikääntyneeseen henkilöön kohdistuvan taloudellisen hyväksikäytön tunnistaminen ja torjunta (Suvanto)
Tietoa ikäihmisille kotona asumisen turvaksi (Suvanto ja Vanhustyön keskusliitto)
Rakennamme sovintoa – Opas rikosten ja riitojen sovitteluun (National Institute for Health and Welfare)
Seurustelun ei kuulu satuttaa. Suomalaisten nuorten kokemuksia seurusteluväkivallasta (The Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters)
Kodin kyberopas (The Security Committee)
Turvaohjeita senioreille (Crime Prevention Council)
Kohtaaminen ja dialogi kunniakulttuuri- ja kunniaväkivaltatyössä -opas (Setlementti Tampere, Didar)
Human trafficking site
Pakkoavioliitot ja rikosoikeudelliset seuraamukset (Oikeusministeriö)
- Pakkoavioliitot ja rikosoikeudelliset seuraamukset Finnish
- Pakkoavioliitot ja rikosoikeudelliset seuraamukset Swedish
The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI)
- Human trafficking
- Labour exploitation
- Exploitation of adolescents and children
- Gender-based violence